Montessori Lectures

"The role of education is to interest the child profoundly in an external activity to which he will give all of his potential." --Maria Montessori
  • Sieglinde Schnellbacher spent more than 40 years teaching in Montessori classrooms. Her passion is to uphold the standards of Montessori education, to promote it, and to make it more accessible to all children.
  • She is committed to share her knowledge and provide resources to the next generation of teachers.
  • She was trained by Pearl Vanderwall and Lena Wikramatre, who both studied directly under Maria Montessori. She received her Montessori Primary Diploma from the AMI Training Center in St. Louis, MO.
  • Mrs. Schnellbacher trained Montessori teachers at the St. Louis AMS Training Center, and has also conducted teacher training and has led seminars and refresher courses around the world.
  • Sieglinde Schnellbacher is available for seminars, workshops, and speaking engagements for Montessori and other early childhood programs. She is available for school consultations.